Monday, February 7, 2011


The status of women in Islam is often the target of attacks in the secular media. The Hijab or the Islamic dress is cited by many as an example of the “subjugation” (defeat, suppression) of women under Islamic Law. Before we analyze the reasoning behind the religiously mandated Hijab, let us first study the status of women in societies before the advent of Islam.

In the past women were degraded and used as objects of lust.

Examples from History

 *Babylonian Civilization: If a man murdered a woman, instead of him being punished, his wife was put to death.

*Greek Civilization: The so called most glorious of all ancient Civilization, an “imaginary women” called Pandora is the root cause of misfortune of human beings. They consider women subhuman and inferior to men. Though chastity of women was precious, and women were held in high esteem, the Greeks were later overwhelmed by ego and sexual perversions. Prostitution became a regular practice amongst all classes of Greek society.

*Roman Civilization: A man even had right to take the life if his wife. Prostitution and nudity were common amongst the Romans.

 *Egyptian Civilization: They considered women evil and as a sign of a devil.
 *Pre- Islamic Arabia: Before Islam spread in Arabia, the Arabs looked down upon women, and very often when a female child was born, she was buried alive.

Islam uplifted women and gave them equality and expects to maintain their status:


People usually only discuss hijab in the context of women. However in the
Holy Quran, Allah (swt) first mentions Hijab for men before Hijab for the women. The Quran mentions in Surah Noor, chapter # 24, verse #30

“Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty: That will make for greater purity for them: and Allah is well acquainted with all that they do”

The moment a man looks at a woman and if any brazen or unashamed thought comes to his mind, he should lower his gaze.


The next verse of Surah  Noor says:

“ And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty;that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what(must ordinarily) appear thereof; that they should draw veils over their bosoms and not sdisplay yheir beauty except to their husbands, their fathers, their husband’s fathers, their sons…”
(Al-Quran 24:31)

Six criteria for Hijab

According to Quran and Sunnah, there are basically six criteria for observing Hijab:


The first criterion is the extent of the body that should be covered. This is the different for men and women. The extent of covering obligatory on the male is to cover the body at least from the navel to the knees. For women, the extent of covering obligatory is to cover the complete body except the face and the hands upto the wrist. If they wish to, they can cover even these parts of the body. Some scholars of Islam insist that face and the hands are part of the obligatory extent of hijab.
All the remaining 5 criteria are the same for men and women.

1.The cloths worn should be loose and should not reveal the figure.

 2.The clothes worn should not be transparent such that one can see through them.

3.The clothes worn should not be so glamorous as to attract the opposite sex.

4.The clothes worn should not resemble that of opposite sex.

 5.The clothes worn should not resemble that of the unbelievers i.e. they should not wear clothes that are specifically identities or symbols of the unbeliever’s religions..

Hijab Includes conduct and behavior among other things

Complete hijab besides the six criteria of clothing, also includes the moral conduct, behavior, attitude & intention of the individual. A person only fulfilling the criteria of hijab of the clothes is observing hijab in a limited sense. Hijab of the clothes should be accompanied by hijab of the eyes, hijab of the heart, of the thought and hijab of intention. It also includes the way a person walks, the way a person talks, and the way he behaves.


The reason why Hijab is prescribed for women is mentioned in Quran in Chapter no. 33 

Surah Al-Azhab Verse no. 59

“O Prophet! Tell thy wives and daughters, and the believing women that they should cast their outer garments over heir persons (when abroad); that is most convenient, that they should be known (as such) and not molestated. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful”
(Quran 33:59)

The Quran says that Hijab has been prescribed for the women so that they are recognized as modest women and it will also prevent them from being molestated.

Example of Twin Sisters

Suppose two sisters who’re twins, and who r equally beautiful, walk down the street. One of them is attired in the Islamic hijab i.e. the complete body is covered, except for the face and the hands up to the wrists. The other sister is wearing western clothes, a mini skirt or shorts. Just around the corner there is a hooligan or ruffian, who is waiting for a catch, to tease a girl. Whom will he tease? The girl wearing the Islamic Dress (Hijab) according to the status of being a woman, or the girl wearing the skirt or mini, not knowing who is she?
Naturally he will tease the girl wearing the skirt or the mini. Such dresses are an indirect INVITATION to the opposite sex for teasing and molestation. The Quran rightly says that hijab prevents women from being molested.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Why Is Hijab Necessary?

Why Hijab is Necessary?
Until the Imperialists invaded Believing Countries and the Believers started mixing with non-believers, all our Believing women walked in this world with great respect and dignity. The non-believers were finding it very difficult to come anywhere near the border of our Believing sister's purity. The Hijab (peaceful dress for women) did not only protect them from those evil eyes of non-believers but also gave them freedom and independence from being misused by them.
Also, a scholar said: Modesty is the symbol of faith and whoever has no modesty (Hijab), has no religion.
There are many sisters who have failed to understand the actual meaning of Hijab.
To observe proper Hijab is to dress up oneself modestly and appropriately covering all parts of body except face and hands, without showing one's figure or curves and without using any sort of make-up like plucking eyebrows for the sake of show off.
Almighty has given equal rights to both men and women; He forbids either sex claiming supremacy over the other.
Almighty states in Holy Scripture: "O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise (each other). Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of Almighty is (he who is) the most righteous of you. And Almighty has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things)." Holy Scripture (49:13)
Hijab is one of the righteous deeds and it is a sign of honor and equality with men and stands as a shield of protection against evil man.
A Believing woman is bestowed with respect and honour and a Believer gives great importance to his wife. Our Holy Prophet's (saw) saying reads, ” the best of you are those who are best in resting their wives.”
The status of wife is so respectable that she is not bound to do any house-hold work unless she does it willingly and with affection; but if her husband forces her to do any work; he will have to answer to Almighty for his conduct. Also, she is not bound to earn and maintain the house of her husband. Her work shall always conform to the laws of Pure Submission. Unlike the Western world, the Believer wife is a queen in her husband's house. The first thing a husband does for his wife is to provide a servant and a cook according to his ability and when she becomes a mother, she receives greatest respect from her husband. Contrary to this, is considered a sin by Almighty.
And Almighty states in Holy Scripture: "And your Lord has commanded that you shall not serve (any) but Him, and goodness to your parents. If either or both of them reach old age with you, say not to them (so much as) "Ufh" nor chide them, and speak to them a generous word." Holy Scripture (17:23)
Almighty has given great impedance to women and for that reason He orders their children to address them in terms of honor.
What kind of dignity a non-believer has by the way; they conduct their life and expose themselves. They have removed the shield of protection, that modesty of Hijab and left themselves unprotected and that is the cause for the assault, which takes place once every ten seconds in rape and murder around the world. But those true Believers who observe proper Hijab are protected from such assaults and not one ease or this type is ever heard of.
Moreover Hijab also gives the women an air of authority, dignity and respect, which a non-believer can never claim to possess. Only those who are well behaved can expect admiration and high esteem from others and definitely, those who try to attract men can never be called a well-behaved person.
Those who reject Hijab and wish to attract men are suffering from inferiority complex. They believe men are superior and in order to overcome this feeling, they use their feminine charms. But why should a Believer woman have such a feeling when she is fully aware of her equality with men?
Hijab, therefore, has such benefits as a guard against any assault, equality with men, air of respect and honor and most important of all, obedience to Almighty which is equivalent to blood of martyr. Hijab requires women to avoid any sort of attraction to men.
We have many Believers sisters who are more concerned to please themselves and their non-believer friends than Almighty. Let us not forget the purpose of our existence, which is to cultivate love and affection for Almighty in our heart and not for anything else. How can we create that love when we disobey Him? Adoration and affection come from the heart and those who truly love Almighty will not do anything contrary to this.
Some of our sisters come up with the excuse that the non-believers laugh at them if they observe Hijab and they feel degraded. They may laugh for a little while but after some time, they will have no choice but to respect the Believer women observing Hijab for their discipline and principles which could not be shaken by their little laugh.
Let us not forget the famous phrase: He who laughs last laughs the longest.
A Believer sister lives for the future and not for the day; we can all look forward to be in Heaven for believing and obeying Almighty.
Hijab is one of the commandments of Almighty. The Holy Prophet said that those women who do not observe proper Hijab are blatantly defying the commandment of Almighty. Discarding Hijab puts their sacrifices in vain. But for those who disobeyed, what punishment is awaiting them but Hell-Fire!
Hijab (Hejab, Hijaab): Hijab (Islamic dress for women) supplement
Almighty states in Holy Scripture: "Not for (idle) sport did We create the heavens and the earth and all that is between! If it had been Our wish to take (just) a pastime, We should surely have taken it from the things nearest to Us, if We would do (such a thing)." Holy Scripture (21:16-17)
The above verse amply emphasizes the seriousness with which Almighty created this world and everything that exists therein, including the human beings. Almighty created us for a specific and important purpose and it is the duty of every Believer to lead a disciplined life, realizing the seriousness of this purpose.
Human beings must distinguish themselves from animals by decent and disciplined behavior. But how many of us take this life with the seriousness it deserves? All of us originated from one father and one mother and belong to one big family, but it is unfortunate that many of us live without any sense of collective responsibility. We are one community and the action of one-person will not only reflect on other individuals but also the whole community.
In no other religion in the world is human life to be considered to be so sacred that one man's murder is considered to be the murder of the entire human race, and whoever saves a life it is as if he had saved the lives of all mankind.
Almighty states in Holy Scripture: "For this reason did We prescribe to the children of Israel that whoever slays a soul, unless it be for manslaughter or for mischief in the land, it is as though he slew all men; and whoever keeps it alive, it is as though he kept alive all men." Holy Scripture (5:32)
When Almighty commanded our sisters to observe Hijab, it was because of the universal damages that would be caused by refusing to observe it. It is not a matter of individual behavior, as many people may think. A woman going out exposing her charms attracts men, which sets off a chain of undesirable events, causing lot of harm to several people. Thus, the indecent behavior of one person affects the community as a whole. Although the person, who originally caused the damage, is to be blamed for all the consequences, other members of the community are also responsible to some extent for allowing such a thing to happen. Therefore, it becomes a collective responsibility of all of us to ensure that such damages are not caused.
For example, some people were sailing in a boat, which they jointly owned when one of them stated making a hole in the place which was allocated to him in the boat. When others tried to stop him, he argued that it was his part of the boat and he was free to do whatever he wished. But if he was allowed to continue, the boat would sink and all of them would be drowned.
Discarding Hijab will harm not only one's own self but also millions of others. Exposure of physical charm of our women may destroy many homes and cause innumerable rapes and murders for which we all are responsible.
Who is to be blamed for all the consequences but the person who causes them? If a woman observes Hijab and refraines from displaying her attractions, these crimes will never take place.
Our Holy Prophet  has said that on the Day of Judgment, such people would be brought forward for trail on charges of quasi-crimes in which they had a share of responsibility. They would plead that they did not commit those crimes, but then they would be told that they removed their Hijab and attracted this person, which made him indulge in those crimes.
Almighty states in Holy Scripture: "Except those who believe and do good and remember Almighty much, and defend themselves after they are oppressed; and they who act unjustly shall know to what final place of turning they shall turn back." Holy Scripture (26:227)

Liberation or Sexploitation
Look at the glossy cover of any magazine or advertisements on TV and newspaper, you will find that most of these advertisements have scantily dressed women in alluring poses to attract the attention of men. This proves that the Western society considers woman only as a sex symbol.
The liberation of women in Islam is far superior to Western liberation as it allows women to live with respect, dignity and equality in society.
Equality does not mean aping and behaving like men or dancing to their carnal tunes; that would be an act of inferiority in the face of one's own femininity.
A truly liberated woman always dresses decently and modestly. A true woman will never degrade her body and sell her dignity to the highest bidder. No woman is truly liberated if she is still the slave of her wayward conscience, bodily lust or infidelity.
However, in Islam, women, whatever their role as mothers, wives, sisters or daughters, command respect and have a constructive role to play in society. The Hijab itself gives an aura of freedom to the womankind, facilitating their movement and protecting them from provocation and wanton greed of the human wolves. Removal of the Hijab makes you vulnerable to the lust of men.
By removing your Hijab, you have destroyed your faith. Islam means submission to Almighty in all our actions. Those who refuse submission cannot be called Believers.
What is Hijab? (Hijaab (Believer Veil), Hejab (An Act of Faith), Islamic dress for women)
There are many sisters who have failed to understand the actual meaning of Hijab. Hijab technically means covering. Islam desires the preservation of social tranquility and familial peace. Hence, it asks women to cover themselves in their inter-actions with men, whom they are not related to.
Why is Hijab necessary? (Hijabs, Hijab Pictures, Hijab Girls, Hijabi Fashion)
The dangerous consequences of the Western culture of nakedness and permissiveness are before us. We should think twice before blindly trying to imitate Western life-styles.
How should women observe Hijab correctly?
Basically, the dress of ladies should cover the whole body except the face and hands (i.e. palms and fingers). Hair should not be exposed because Islam considers it as half of the total beauty of women. The Hijab could be of any form and color, a one-piece chader or a three-piece ensemble, as long as it is not tight fitting and does not attract people's attention.
Baseless objections against Hijab
  • Hijab seeks to imprison women: Those who feel that Hijab imprisons women should refrain from living in houses because it is nearer to a prison than Hijab.
  • Hijab subordinates women: In fact, culture, which promotes nakedness, takes people nearer to the culture of animals. Wearing the Hijab, on the contrary, liberates women from the trap of Western fashion and maladies. It gives them greater, rather than less freedom and mobility.
  • Why only women? Science has confirmed that visual stimulation plays a predominant role in the physiology of men compared to women. The fact that the sex-industry in the West is targeted towards the male-market confirms it.
  • Victims of Ridicule: Some of our sisters come up with the excuse that the non-believers laugh at them if they observe Hijab and they feel degraded. They may laugh for a little while but after some time they will have no choice but to respect the Believer women observing Hijab for their discipline, which could not be shaken, by their little laughs.
  • Let us not forget the famous phrase: The one who laughs last laughs the longest.
  • Beauty is meant to be appreciated: True! But only by the husband. Hence women who truly love their husbands would never wish to be seen in public without Hijab.
What are the disadvantages of discarding Hijab?
  • Becoming an easy target of anti-social elements.
  • Causing great stresses, insecurity and suspicion in the minds of husbands, ultimately disturbing the familial harmony.
  • Instigating young people to deviate towards the path of lust and immorality.
  • Giving rise to cases of divorce, adultery, rape and illegitimate children.
What are the advantages of observing Hijab?
  • Confidence in social participation as human being and not as sexual commodity.
  • Guarding one self from the lustful looks of men.
  • Not diverting people's attention from constructive social work.
  • Improving the moral character of the society.
In conclusion, women can achieve true dignity and experience true emancipation by observing Hijab and not by discarding it.
Hijab (Modesty) is also for Believer Men
"Say to the believing men that they cast down their looks and guard their private parts; that is purer for
them; surely Almighty is Aware of what they do." Holy Scripture (24:30)
To cast down one's glance, means not to look in a fixed way, not to stare. The sentence means, "Tell the believers not to stare at or flirt with women."
Almighty has given equal rights to both men and women; He forbids either sex claiming supremacy over the other. Almighty states in the Holy Scripture: "The most honored of you in the sight of Almighty is (he who is) the most righteous of you." Holy Scripture (49:13)

2,900 raped every day in America
Washington: Nearly 2,900 women are raped every day in America, according to a study released on Thursday that paints a much grimmer picture than US Justice Department figures announced earlier this week.
The National Victim Center, which promotes the rights of victims of violent crime, said 3.1 adult women are raped every minute and 983,000 US women are raped each year, based on a survey of more that 8,000 women, including 1500 rape victims.
One in eight adult American women has been raped, bringing the total of rape victims to at least 17.1 million, it said.
The survey indicated that 61 per cent of all rape cases involve women under 18 and that 29 percent of all rapes occurred when the victim was less than 11 years old. Reuters (Source: MID-DAY Bombay 25-4-02)
Can a woman look for her life partner herself?
I have been accused repeatedly for finding a boyfriend while wearing hijab. Personally i don't think wearing a hijab should stop me from choosing a suitable partner. When i found him, i showed him to my parents asking for their openion on him. Some say "better not to wear hijab at all than doing this". Am i right to say that Islam does not prevent any girls from finding a suitable partner and wearing hijab has nothing to do with it?.
Praise be to Allaah.  
The Muslim woman must know that she is obliged to wear hijaab and observe proper Islamic hijaab at all times. It is not permissible for a woman to make a wanton display of herself (tabarruj). Tabarruj is a major sin for which the one who does it deserves the wrath and punishment of Allaah.  A woman, as the saying goes, is a jewel, and when she is shown to people and makes a wanton display of herself she loses her value. 
So I advise the questioner and every Muslim woman to adhere to proper Islamic hijaab, which is pleasing to Allaah and is an act of obedience to Him, and is a means of Allaah guiding His slave and making things easier for him. 
With regard to marriage, it may be obligatory if a man or woman longs for marriage and fears falling into immoral ways. It is also the Sunnah of the Prophets (peace be upon them). 
Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): 
“And indeed We sent Messengers before you (O Muhammad), and made for them wives and offspring”
[al-Ra’d 13:38] 
There is a difference between a Muslim woman looking for a husband and her mixing with and talking to men for that purpose, and meeting by accident a man who she thinks is a potential husband. The former is contrary to modesty, for a woman is required to be of modest character and shy, which is an adornment and beauty for women; the virgin is the epitome of modesty as it says in the hadeeth of Abu Sa’eed al-Khudri (may Allaah be pleased with him): “The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to be more shy than the virgin in her seclusion, and if he disliked something it would be known from his face.” 
Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 5751; Muslim, 2320 
A woman can do something better than that, which is to make du’aa’ asking Allaah to give her a good and righteous husband. Du’aa’ is one of the best things with which a Muslim may equip himself and the best way in which a Muslim may seek to meet his needs. She can also speak to some of her Muslim sisters whose religious commitment and honesty she trusts to tell her of someone who can tell a young Muslim man who wants to get married about a Muslim girl. This is better than her doing something that is contrary to modesty. 
Undoubtedly the one who told you to take off the hijab and that that is better than wearing it is wrong. How can a woman give up her religious commitment and hijab and ignore something that Allaah has enjoined upon her and said that if she forsakes it then she will deserve the wrath and punishment of Allaah and will not be granted His support? 
The Muslim woman must adhere to this virtue which many Muslim women have forsaken, for it is the symbol of the Muslim woman, a sign of her commitment, sincere faith and piety.   
I advise the sister to fear Allaah and to adhere to hijab, and Allaah will help her and make her life easier for her. And Allaah is the One Whose help we seek. 
And Allaah knows best.